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Piektdiena, 10. janvāris
Tatjana, Dorisa

Varufakis: Vienošanās ar kreditoriem ir tuvu

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To Fackinakis
Griekijas pissoni ieveleja sos idiotus un lai pasi tiek gala ar Ciprusu un Fackinakisu, bet ES tur nav ne jaiejaucas ne ari vel kas japalidz.
Nekas DIŽLATVIEŠI jūs arī varēsiet priecāties par savu stabilitāti un pilniem veikaliem. Ar tādām cenām ka nu. Tik parakstīs visus tos jaunos nodoklis būs Paklausīgajā DIŽLATVIJĀ prieks un bauda.
Buba> jā, pareizi
Piekrītu, jau ~Leņins teica, ka valsti var pārvaldīt jebkura ķēkša. Un nafig ekonomistus, tautsaumniekuss, - un vispār - izglītotus cilvēkus.
pareizi, nfik
Greek professionals are scrambling to leave the country as the economic situation deteriorates, flooding the inboxes of diaspora Greeks across the world with resumés and requests for jobs. .. Of the hundreds of people who have contacted Skoufatoglou for help since October last year, she says more than 80% hold university degrees, 60% have master’s degrees and more than 10% hold PhDs. “They’re asking to do anything, even asking to be connected to restaurants to wash dishes. We’re talking about doctors, lawyers, they don’t care what they do as long as they can work and support families back home,” said Skoufatoglou. Karalis calls this exodus of professionals from his homeland “squandering the intellectual and social capital” of Greece, a brain drain from which the country will struggle to recover. “It means that in five or 10 years Greece could be left with no educated elite who could take over and modernise the country.
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Greek professionals are scrambling to leave the country as the economic situation deteriorates, flooding the inboxes of diaspora Greeks across the world with resumés and requests for jobs. .. Of the hundreds of people who have contacted Skoufatoglou for help since October last year, she says more than 80% hold university degrees, 60% have master’s degrees and more than 10% hold PhDs. “They’re asking to do anything, even asking to be connected to restaurants to wash dishes. We’re talking about doctors, lawyers, they don’t care what they do as long as they can work and support families back home,” said Skoufatoglou. Karalis calls this exodus of professionals from his homeland “squandering the intellectual and social capital” of Greece, a brain drain from which the country will struggle to recover. “It means that in five or 10 years Greece could be left with no educated elite who could take over and modernise the country.
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Pag,pag,mēģenē taisītais
Nedirs uz saviem vecākiem. Aborta palieka.
lumpeņi, pagaidiet līdz pirmdienai
un tad arī paskatīsiem ko komuņaga fakis būs panāci, un nemuldiet par Dombrovski- jūs penši-kulakā sitēji pie TV, taču nebūsiet ekonomisti ar augstako izglītību, labāka gadījumā proftehuchiljische
ko komuņaga fakis ir panācis
“I have seen directors at the Bank of Greece in a state of panic because our liquidity buffer is being eaten up and without the [bailout] programme there’s no ELA [emergency liquidity assistance]. We are in a real mess.”
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fakis atkal melo
President of the Eurogroup Jeroen Dijsselbloem has said a claim by Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis that a debt deal is near is “completely false." He also said creditors have made no new offers to Greece and that Greece’s government has chosen a very "risky path". "Any politician who says that wouldn't be necessary in the case of a 'No' vote is making a fool of his people," said Mr Dijsselbloem after a meeting of the Dutch cabinet today. Earlier, Mr Varoufakis said his Government has been engaged in private discussions with the European Commission and the European Central Bank this week and regardless of the outcome of Sunday's referendum, there will be a deal. Speaking on RTÉ's Today with Sean O'Rourke, Mr Harris said Greek political leaders had been saying one thing to European leaders and another thing on the television. Mr Harris said it sends out mixed messages "when you have a Greek Prime Minister looking to negotiate in one letter and looking for minor tweaks and then a couple of hours later going on the television and accusing Europe of blackmailing his people." He added "there is an inconsistency in the position that is making it extraordinarily difficult to reach a deal."
trusis nejaukais
taa jau likaas, ka viss ko griekjijas valdiiba dara - baro iedziivotaajus ar dezinformaaciju bet sarunaas izliekas, ka straadaa lai panaaktu vienoshanos. skaidri redzams ka avantuuristi, principaa shantazhee aizdeveejus.
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According to Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant, Dijsselbloem called this “completely incorrect” and said: “He [Varoufakis] made that up completely. No new proposals have been sent to Athens,” adding: “We are not near a solution.”
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The European Commission has denied talks are ongoing between the Greek government and EU lenders on a bailout deal ahead of Sunday’s referendum Speaking in Luxembourg where he marked the beginning of Luxembourg’s six-month presidency of the Council of the European Union, the European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker said no talks were underway. Other EU officials confirmed that no talks had taken place since the expiration of the second bailout earlier this week.
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Dombrovskim ir ko mācīties
negvelz muļķības - šie grieķu komunistu cūkas domā tikai par savu ādu - blefojot un melojot gan aizdevējiem , gan savai tautai. šis referendums nav likumīgs ne no satura, ne no procedūras viedokļa, un, turklāt nav saistošs ne SVF, ne kādai no eirovalstīm, kura piedalās aizdevuma došanā.. viss tas teijāters ir tikai laika vilcināšana un populisms, bet gan jau drīz grieķi patrieks tos visus ciparus un varufakus
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kā nolaist dibenā
tourism, the engine of the Greek economy, has also taken a huge hit with an estimated 50,000 holidaymakers cancelling bookings every day. The Greek Tourism Confederation (SETE) announced that bookings were down by 40% in the last few days following the government’s decision to hold a referendum
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cīnīties pa savu ādu
The referendum is concerned with one thing only: the survival of Tsipras and his party. It's all about Greek internal,politics. Tsipras is covering his back to make sure that whatever he does he can tell Parliament that he was following the 'demands' of the people. The rest of Europe just has stand on the sidelines for a while and wait for T to tackle his restless and fractious Parliament . A yes vote would mean that even if other political parties don't like what ever the deal is , Tsipras can say it's what the people want. If it's a No vote then he can carry on with the negotiations and even if he is not successful in gaining any major changes he can still return to Greece saying that with the backing of the people he did his best etc etc. and appear to be a hero fighting for Greece etc etc
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Mācīties vajag kā krīzes situācijā cīnīties par SAVAS tautas, nevis banku vai globālā kapitāla interesēm. Ne jau šī Grieķijas valdība ņēma uz nebēdu kredītus un noveda krīzē!!!!
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ko mācīties? kā dziļā krīzē esošu valsti nolaist galīigi dibenā, domājot tikai par ilgāku noturēšanos pie varas?
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Dombrovskim ir ko mācīties
"A yes vote would keep banks open and give mandate for a deal to be struck that recognises the new Greek realities and includes, as the IMF now says, restructuring of the debt which every economist knows is unsustainable. This would offer some light at the end of the tunnel. A no vote would make that almost impossible to accomplish and could plunge Greece into years of economic turmoil.”"
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domājot plašāk
Tā tukšas naudas aizdošanas un spekulēšanas kārtība agri vai vēlu kritīs finanšu piramīda SABRUKS! globālā mērogā Grieķija ir tikai viens no pirmajiem posmiem
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JĀ, pareizi
Pareizi = te vismaz paprasa tautai, ko tā g'rib! ! Nevis kā mums - atdeva valdība MŪSU nacionālo valūtu BEZ referenduma. pret mīksto vietu kāmim Briselē
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