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Daļēji saulains
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Daļēji saulains
Pirmdiena, 18. novembris
Doloresa, Aleksandrs, Brīve

Patentu kari: Microsoft iesūdz Motorola par FRAND

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For you video tech (cameras and the works) follow the porn utsidnry. they will be the ones to set the standards for new tech implementation and standardization. 3D is just a marketing ploy and right now a really expensive one with no standardization. Hell a good 30% of people can even see in 3d no matter what type of 3d tech your using. Then you have expensive glasses or not and so on. Google is already in the smartphone market with their Nexus phone and Andoird OS. The purchase of Motorola comes down to paten portfolio. Take a look at all the litigation between all these big tech companys and the patents they are sueing each other over. There are other big OS developers out there; Windows Mobile has always been my favorite (yes even over android's fragmentation), Symbian, and WEBOS but it looks like that last one may die very quickly now. As far as the PC wars of Apple and M$, Apple has always had a closed system and high priced hardware. M$ windows have been easily pirated around the world for a few decades with little ot no consiquences to the end user. So with it passing around for free, it made it's way to the general public as a standard. I wish google would open up it's own network and bust up a lot of the monopolistic actions that are standard practise for USA Mobile Carriers. I know it would like to and has been laying ground work for some time but is a very long road. And yes, never be a first adopter for new tech, it will always bite you. PS i have a galaxy tab but rarely use it.


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